Monday, June 4, 2018

Insanity- Step 2

       The second step to recovery is the knowledge that we "came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity".  I don't belive that I'm INsane, but what does it mean to be SANE?  The definition of sanity is the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner.  I can nitpick anything to death, so let's go ahead and overlook the word "normal", purposefully choosing not to confine ourselves to societal standards, and focus on the word "rational".  The dictionary defines rational as action based on, or in accordance with, reason or logic.  Synonyms include sensible, reasonable, intelligent, prudent, practical, down-to-earth, etc.  That makes a little bit more sense; I've been known to be a little...unreasonable at times.  But since we're applying these steps to our personal lives, let's take a closer look at what makes a person seem insane.  The western world holds mental health to a completely different standard than the shamanic societies of our indigenous ancestors and peoples of Asia, Africa, and Australasia.  People around here hear the word "shaman" and think of demons and witchcraft.  Shamans are simply people who were thought to have access to, and influence in, the spirit realm, much like we rely on our preachers to do.  Shamans and pastors are alike because they both believe that in order to heal mental illness one must mend the soul, thus restoring balance and wholeness.  The difference is shamans believe that in order to understand sickness that they must first become sick. To become a healer, they must first heal.  In this sense, shamans view mental illness as the "birth of a healer".  Wow!  In western civilizations we take people with mental and behavioral disorders and try to "make it stop".  We prescribe medications or lock them away in an attempt to make the symptoms disappear.  A shaman will take a mentally ill person and try to merge their physical selves with their spiritual selves in order to heal their psyche.  They believe that what causes a person to feel depressed, anxious, hear voices, or act out is the result of a spiritual being trying to get a message through to our world.  This causes a disruption in the human consciousness that results in fear and confusion.  We don't have to completely believe in the shamans view, but doesn't it make a little sense?  Pay attention to the people around you.  The most sensitive people are the ones who act tough, like nothing bothers them, and quite possibly they may turn to alcohol or drugs to numb the overwhelming emotions that they feel.  But what if these people, the "empaths" if you will, have a higher purpose?  What if they learned to accept the fact that they have a huge influx of feelings and energy from the people around them and they chose to FEEL those feelings?  They could really change the world through kindness and empathy.  The cockiest of people are the ones who can't bear to sit alone with themselves in the darkness.  The rudest people are the ones who are trying to protect themselves from all of the hurt inside.   There is an aligning that needs to happen within ourselves.  A connection between our spiritual and physical selves that can only be achieved through accepting that our hurt is actually a GIFT designed to channel through us to help others.  Self-harm and suicide are nothing to play with; please seek help if these are thoughts that you are having.  It is a long road to mental healing.  But once we learn to accept ourselves, align our spiritual energy, and TRULY HEAL, then we can allow the birth of our inner healer to touch the lives of the broken.
What's your insane gift?

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