Monday, June 11, 2018

The Anatomy Of A Teardrop

       It starts on the inside.  Deep within, a heaving and choking in the innermost parts of the heart.  It slowly works its way up, burning the throat and suffocating the breath.  Burrowing through the tunnels of the face it ravages the smile and tears at the eyes, struggling and wrenching its way to the windows of the soul.  It floods the glass panes, blurring reality and drowning composure.  With a final explosion of pain it bursts through the casement like a typhoon of emotion wrapped in a single pool of mirrored sentiment.  Though small and beautiful, it alludes to the entirety of life in a single unique shape.  Within its shallow depths lurk the fathomless storm of rage, hurt, doubt, joy, fear, and hope.  It's okay to fall down, to make mistakes, to lay on the floor and sob.  It's okay to be hurt, to care, to worry.  It's okay to need, to desire, and to let your guard down.  It's okay to fail, to feel, to scream.  It's okay to run for a while, to hide for a time, to detach for a phase.  It's okay to feel it all and let your mind run wild.  It's okay to be aware of your sadness, shortcomings, disappointments, defeats, and deficiencies.  It's okay to not feel good enough, loved enough, wanted enough, worth enough.  It's okay to wonder if you'll ever make it, ever be someone, ever make a difference.  It's okay to disbelieve, to distrust, to feel alone.  It's okay to be ashamed, be disgusted, be envious.  It's okay to carry helplessness, to suffer, to weep, despair.  It's okay to be overwhelmed, underwhelmed, surprised, indifferent, numb.  It's okay to wish you were different, looked different, acted different.  It's okay to wish you were the same, looked the same, acted the same.  It's okay to not know, not know who you are, or why.  It's okay not to know what you believe, what you stand for, to hesitate.  It's okay to love, to hope, persevere.  It's okay to cry, just let the tears fall like painful raindrops.  It's okay to struggle for breath, to be tired of trying, to want to give up.  It's okay to fall down; it's NOT okay to stay down.  It's not okay to give up on yourself.  Don't give up.
Just. Breathe.
just breathe
just breathe
just breathe
just breathe
just breathe
just breathe;  

The Tear... Drawing by Rima V

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