Monday, September 24, 2018

The Indigo Gateway (Ajna)

       As I travel through this life, from forest to river, oceans to mountain, I walk with purpose.  I tread toward the end goal of spiritual awakening, the awareness of love and peace, a place of transcendental universal understanding.  We all strive to be closer to Creator, even as we co-create our lives and situations to be in a place of strife or a haven of tranquility.  As we journey through life we exercise the muscles of our body and strengthen them according to how we use them.  Our arms are strengthened as we climb, our legs as we run, and our wisdom as we learn to trust our intuition and perceive truth.  Ajna, our third eye, is the muscle that we use to unify ourselves with all of life.  When we find this gateway we realize that we have always had the ability to stand in its blue and purple light and view the heart and soul of other living beings.  The wisdom that hides behind this door is able to transcend a wisdom beyond speech, a  knowing of truth where we can clearly see how the past effects the present and future, but not just the truths that seem to be, we can understand circumstance and situations for what they truly are.  Mental and emotional clarity act as a balance for our masculine and feminine abilities as well as a rudder that steers us down the spiritual path of what is harmful or helpful to all of humanity.  A swan stands guard at this beautiful portal to remind us that all may enter into the dwelling place of the master, but not all are able.  Ajna is considered to be the master as it is associated with the pituitary gland in the brain.  The pituitary gland controls the hormone function of all other glands in the endocrine system, regulating such hormones as Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Prolactin, Growth Hormone, Vasopressin, and Oxytocin to name a few.  Symbolically we can see how being able to understand all things for what they truly are in the past, present, and future simultaneously gives us a full body, mind, and soul connection to happiness and neutrality.  Ajna is a point of balance, where there is no positive or negative, love or hate.  The granter of knowledge lives across this gateway, allocating erudition to those fearless few who are able to detach themselves from physical earth and unlink the need for a desired result.  All of the elements, in their purest form, reside in this place to gift those who travel in imagination and super-consciousness with the realization that time and space are not linearly real.  All can be accomplished through penetrating intuition since living in this state of cosmic knowledge takes on personal meaning and purpose.  Swami Kedarnath felt that once he awakened to this Ajna state that he no longer simply knew truth, but he became truth.   This philosophy essentially states that the death of ego is the life of the soul, meaning that once we let our masks fall our real selves can appear.  When we allow our consciousness to relax and focus our minds, we find that we can see beyond the distractions and illusions that stand before us and have greater insight to live and create more deeply in alignment with our highest good.  I will remind myself that I am visceral and I trust my intuition.  I rely on the guidance bestowed upon me through my spiritual gifts, and it is safe for me to follow this direction.  I am my higher truths.  I am clear.  I know my own voice and I have a healthy mind.  My calm and peaceful thoughts have unlimited possibilities.  I can easily hear the voice of my soul as all of the answers are inside of me.  I am my spiritual truth and I am connected to my true path and purpose.  I embrace vision and proudly stand guard at the gateway to the divine.
Which eye are you watching with?

"I have three eyes: two to look and one to see meaning."
- Bellamor

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